The Director General of Elections (DGE) has opened an investigation to determine whether the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) violated the Electoral Act by offering the possibility of meeting a minister in exchange for political contributions.
DGE spokesperson Julie St-Arnaud Drolet confirmed Monday that the investigation concerns a controversial fundraising activity involving a bereaved couple who are campaigning for tougher rules against drunk driving.
Last week, the CAQ decided to directly reimburse a donation totaling $200 to the Rivera-Bittar couple, which is not permitted by the Election Act. Questioned on this subject, the DGE also announced the opening of an investigation.
Mme St-Arnaud-Drolet explained that this investigation, first revealed by Radio-Canada, concerns how the two $100 contributions were obtained.
Counterparty and reimbursement
“Public information leads us to believe that the two contributions were made in exchange for consideration, thus making these contributions non-compliant,” the spokesperson said.
Section 90 of the Electoral Act stipulates that a contribution must be made voluntarily, without compensation or consideration and cannot be refunded.
Elizabeth Rivera and her husband, Antoine Bittar, recounted two weeks ago how the staff of the MP for Soulanges, Marilyne Picard, approached them by putting forward an opportunity to meet the Minister of Transport, Geneviève Guilbault, during of a political fundraising activity for the benefit of the CAQ last fall.
The couple had previously requested the MP’s help to obtain from the government that sanctions against drunk driving be imposed from the threshold of 50 mg per 100 ml of blood and not just 80 mg per 100 ml of blood. as is the case currently.
It was not possible to know whether the CAQ is the subject of other investigations for similar cases. The DGE exceptionally decided to disclose that on Vaudreuil-Soulanges due to the questions asked about the reimbursement decided by the CAQ, indicated Mme St-Arnaud-Drolet.
In recent weeks, the CAQ has found itself faced with several controversial cases of fundraising activities for which the presence of ministers was put forward.
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