(Moscow) Thousands of Russians mourn the death of Navalny in Moscow.
Since Saturday morning, the flow of flowers in front of the Chagin Wall in Moscow has not stopped, despite the dozens of police officers all around.
“You are our hero. » These words, written on a simple sheet of paper in a sea of flowers, express the pain of the thousands of Russians who came to pay their respects in front of this monument to the victims of political repression.
With tears in their eyes, they come to say goodbye to the one who offered them hope for a better Russia.
“He was a courageous man. He fought for our freedom. He offered hope. Alexeï Navalny returned to Russia after his poisoning, he did not abandon us,” describes Ilia*, a first-year computer science student, who came with his girlfriend. “My political awareness began with the investigations carried out by Alexeï Navalny. He made me a real man, with a critical mind. »

Young people take a moment to remember Alexei Navalny.
Most of the people in the crying crowd are young. The death of the leader leaves, at first glance, the Russian opposition destitute. It could seem that “the dream of a free Russia has dissipated,” commented Boris Nadezhdine, candidate rejected from the presidential election, in a message on his VKontakte page, the Russian social network, on Saturday. But this is not the case. I will do everything to realize the aspiration of Alexei and millions of citizens of our country. »
Alexei Navalny fought for democracy and against corruption. He published investigations denouncing Putin’s system, of which he became enemy number one.
The Russian president is held responsible for the poisoning of Alexei Navalny with Novichok in 2020, from which the opponent recovered after a long hospitalization in Berlin. Upon his return to Russia, he was imprisoned for “extremism” and transferred a few months ago to one of the harshest penal colonies in Russia.
300 arrests
“For me, it’s murder. He was unjustly and cruelly put in prison and then murdered there. If we tolerate this, what will happen next? It’s scary just thinking about it,” says Ksenia*, a philosophy graduate, alarmed. “The limit of the unacceptable has been exceeded. Power showed its true face. » Many fear a tightening of the regime after the presidential election [dont le premier tour est prévu du 15 au 17 mars]. “I’m afraid to imagine what will happen after the election, in the “euphoria” of the results,” admits Alexander Tchernikov, a former Navalny supporter.
Putin killed him in defiance, to show that he can do whatever he wants.
Alexander Chernikov, former Navalny supporter
Although placing flowers at the foot of monuments is not prohibited in Russia, the police do not hesitate to take action. Some arrests are particularly violent. Russian human rights organization OVD Info has recorded nearly 300 arrests across the country.

The police also got involved in the commemorations surrounding the death of Alexeï Navalny.
Many opponents report having received several warnings at their homes. Like Alicia*, who has received six since Navalny’s death to dissuade her from participating in any commemoration. But she still came with flowers. “He was the very symbol of resistance,” testifies the frail young woman, still in shock.
Enemy of Kremlin
Outside this small square in the center of Moscow, where the monument to the victims of political repression is located, life continues as if nothing had happened. The capital celebrates the Chinese New Year with great fanfare, children have fun on the rides in Red Square. On Russian television, the victorious capture of Avdiïvka on the Ukrainian front is shown. The information about the death of Alexei Navalny lasted only 28 seconds. Some Russians know nothing of his death, immersed in the daily worries of life.
As the election approaches, this death is embarrassing for the Kremlin, for which it is held responsible internationally. The death of a political prisoner, even from natural causes, tarnishes the victorious and prosperous image of Russia that Vladimir Putin strives to project.
Undaunted, he kept his tight smile in front of the cameras during his visit to the Chelyabinsk factory during which he was reportedly informed of Navalny’s death. The report instead shows a young woman praising the president. “I have no questions, just enormous pride in having you as president,” she says, trembling with emotion.
Those who watch Russian television will believe the official version without hesitation. “Washington and Brussels are responsible for Navalny’s death,” asserts with confidence the President of the Russian Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin. “We must first answer the following question: who benefits from Navalny’s death today? Their names are well known: NATO Secretary General and Zelensky. »
*Those interviewed did not give their last names, for fear of reprisals from the regime.