What would a Pierre Poilievre government look like?

Acknowledgments and methodological notes

Pierre Poilievre’s political battles, positions and votes in the House of Commons since 2004 are not unrelated to the different functions he has held. For example, a minister is bound by ministerial solidarity, and a deputy is regularly subject to party discipline.

Pierre Poilievre went from political employee of Canadian Alliance leader Stockwell Day (2002 to 2004) to elected official in opposition to Paul Martin’s Liberal government (2004-2006), and was in office for the entire nine years in power of the Harper government (2006-2015), for which he was first parliamentary secretary, then minister from then on Summer 2013.

Pierre Poilievre returned to the opposition during the victory of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in the fall of 2015. He was notably his party’s spokesperson on finance. He became leader following a decisive victory against his main rival, former Premier of Quebec Jean Charest, in September 2022.

His team did not respond to repeated requests for interviews from the Duty since December so that he can clarify his thoughts and present his political project.

The interventions in the House, votes, bills and other parliamentary work analyzed are taken from the archives of the official website of the House of Commons.

Text by Sandrine Vieira and Boris Proulx. Development by Catherine Bombardier. With the help of Denise Ledoux and Dave Noël.

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