The RIP, enshrined in the Constitution since 2008, is a procedure which has never been successful.
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![The president of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, on December 20, 2023, at the National Assembly, in Paris. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / AFP)](
Republicans fight back on immigration. The right-wing party is proposing, Monday February 12, a shared initiative referendum (RIP), which partially takes up the measures censored in January by the Constitutional Council. “It is now a matter of giving voice to the French people so that they can decide directly by referendum,” affirms the right in its explanatory statement, confirming information posted online on the website of the Figaro.
The RIP, enshrined in the Constitution since 2008, is a procedure which has not yet been crowned with success, the conditions for its success being difficult to overcome. The procedure must first be launched by 185 parliamentarians, then validated within a month by the Constitutional Council and then obtain in nine months the support of 10% of the electorate, or nearly 5 million people, before so that the French can finally decide.
With 133 senators and 62 deputies, almost all of whom voted for the text on immigration in December, LR should be able to overcome the first obstacle of the 185 parliamentarians needed. The Republicans are also convinced that the five proposals retained fall well within the referendum domain, considering that they fall within the scope of the referendum. “the notion of reform relating to the social policy of the nation within the meaning of the first paragraph of article 11 of the Constitution”.