the weather report for 2021

We look up above our heads to take stock of the 2021 weather in Côte-d’Or!

Main teaching: a falling average temperature. Ithe weather is a little cooler in the department than in other years. After three consecutive years on the rise between 2018 and 2020, he made for example 11.3 degrees on average in Dijon This year. The average temperature had exceeded 12 degrees over the past 3 years.

In detail, the value is 11.5 degrees in Côte-d’Or. A temperature that varies depending on the terrain, 10 degrees in the reliefs and 11.5 degrees in the plains.

Bad weather, what explanations?

So what explanations? An often disturbed climate, late frosts in spring, an Indian summer which lasted in September and a lot of rain which saturated the grounds.

Forecaster-consultant at the Meteo-France center in Dijon (for the Côte-d’Or and all of Burgundy), Francois Lequeu noted remarkable situations, with rivers often overflowed. The Saone was thus overwhelmed in July.

Excess rainfall and more water also in June, between the Morvan and Auxois, where it fell in places up to twice as much water than normal underlines François Lequeu with occasional overflows for the Auxois river, north-west of the Côte-d’Or.

AT Dijon, it fell 700 mm of rain on average, a little more than the 600 mm of last year. The fault in particular “a rainy month of May” says one on the side of Météo France.

Consequence of the rain, the Côte-d’Oriens took advantage of the sun a little less. But the balance sheet is saved by good hours in spring and autumn. What to make 2021 a year “practically normal”, “a little less than 2,000 hours of sunshine in Dijon, ie as much as over the period 1980-2020” emphasizes François Lequeu.

And if the rain was too often invited this year, the forecaster justifies by cold weather, more unstable with cold drops, pockets of cold air at altitude, above the Côte-d’Or. According to François Lequeu, the Azores high pressure has too often been lacking. His absence caused the arrival of numerous stormy degradations for 3 months, between May and July.

An exceptional sweetness to end 2021

The year 2021 is still ending in style! An exceptional sweetness has been invited to Côte-d’Or since December 21, thanks to a rise of fresh, gentle air from the Azores and the Caribbean.

What to give temperatures above 10 degrees, that is to say 2 times more than the norms of the season:! After the fog and the cold of the beginning of December, the mercury climbs and the situation is expected to continue until Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Temperatures will then drop back to normal for the season, around 5 to 6 degrees in the afternoon in Côte-d’Or.

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