Ophélie Meunier “lucky” mother but worried? How she sees the future of her two children

On January 9, Ophélie Meunier will be back on M6 with a new number of Restricted zone devoted to adolescent sexuality and entitled Adolescents and sexuality: what dangers lie in wait for them ?. A subject that can not be more topical at a time when social networks are used more and more young and can represent a threat.

Ophélie Meunier will be confronted with these questions in a few years with his two children, Joseph (2 years) and Valentine (2 months). While the 34-year-old journalist is not worried for now, she still intends to get the situation under control in the future as best she can. My children are still very small! I try to remember what I learn, especially. I’m trying to see, in ten years, how society will evolve … I hope that everything I learn will be useful to me later with my children. I want to use this knowledge to educate my children when they are teenagers“, she confided in an interview for Current wife published on December 28, 2021.

My son will respect women

But does Ophélie Meunier already think she has more to worry about for her daughter than for her son? According to her, everything is mainly a question of point of view. “I wonder if this is not, above all, a speech of dad? Dads with their daughters, they have a better vision of what can possibly be expected of them, a man’s gaze on a woman. Maybe they know very well what a woman causes in a man, and be very worried about it. (…) I don’t see any difference for the moment, they are still too small … I especially feel lucky to have a girl and a boy“, summarized the wife of Mathieu Vergne.

The pretty brunette already knows in any case that her son Joseph will grow up adopting the best values. “I want to tell my son everything I know about a woman, teach her, tell him to respect her. It will be part of my education. I want my boy to be an extremely respectful man towards women and that he be an ‘ally’ for the woman. That they feel confident at his side. This is completely my view of things. My son will respect women, that’s obvious“, she assured.

Restricted zone, Sunday January 9, 2022 from 9:05 p.m. on M6

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