the French pay tribute to him at the Ministry of Justice


Video length: 2 min

Death of Robert Badinter: the French pay tribute to him at the Ministry of Justice

Death of Robert Badinter: the French pay tribute to him at the Ministry of Justice – (France 2)

The day after the death of Robert Badiner, a crowd of anonymous people continued to flock to Place Vendôme, in front of the Ministry of Justice, Saturday February 10. The doors are open to leave a few words on a book of condolences.

Place Vendôme, at the ministry he headed, many French people came to pay tribute to Robert Badinter, Saturday February 10. A book of condolences is open to the public, and both anonymous and collaborators remember. “I worked when Robert Badinter was Minister of Justice, so I had the chance to meet him within the house. We all have very, very good memories of it.“, confides a former colleague. The former Minister of Justice is also a symbol for a whole generation of lawyers. “I came to tell Badinter that I am proud to be able to call him ‘my dear colleague'”adds a man.

A popular tribute before the national tribute

The emotion is similar in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, where he lived. Flowers and notes were left at the door of his home. “He was a just and good man, who allowed my country not to be a barbarian country“, said a woman. A first popular tribute before the national tribute, which will be paid to Robert Badinter on Wednesday February 14 at noon, on Place Vendôme.

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