Vaccine pass: the noose is tightening around the 5.3 million unvaccinated French people



Article written by

D. Karcher-Mourgues, T. Curtet, S. Boujamaa, L. Pekez, A. Poitevin, L. Harper, V. Landolfini – France 3

France Televisions

Adopted in Council of Ministers Monday, December 27, the bill for the vaccine pass has been examined in committee since December 29 in the Assembly, for an entry into force hoped for from January 15. Minister of Health recognize that it is a disguised vaccination obligation.

In one vaccinodrome Marseille, many French people came for their first dose of the vaccine, Wednesday, December 29. “I waited as much as possible, but now I have to do it”, confides a young woman. The vaccine pass is the government’s new weapon against the epidemic of Covid-19. For the 5.3 million unvaccinated French people, social life could be drastically limited with the new device. They will no longer be able to go to restaurants, bars, places of recreation with a negative test for less than 24 hours.

With the vaccine pass, the tests will indeed no longer be sufficient. From the age of 12, the French may need three doses of vaccine to access bars, restaurants, places of culture and interregional transport. The negative test will only allow access to hospitals and Ehpad. Regarding workplaces, nothing is planned for the moment. In the Assembly, the PS like the Republicans will not oppose the text, even if many find fault with it. The National Rally and France Insoumise, on the other hand, will vote vs. The bill will be considered on January 3.

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