the doctor who reported the facts denounces a “cabal” against him in a letter to senators

Soon fired after denouncing the behavior of a colleague claiming to have a senator’s sex tape, the doctor denounces a “cabal” carried out against him by “the High Administration”.


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The Senate doctor, on the verge of being fired after reporting the behavior of a colleague who claimed to have in her possession a senator’s sex tape, denounces a “cabal” against him “from the High Administration“, in a letter to senators obtained exclusively by franceinfo on Friday February 9.

The doctor will be fired on February 15 “for serious misconduct“. Officially, the doctor is accused of paid external services. In his letter, he writes: “The administration accuses me of holding shares in a real estate company […] I didn’t see that this was prohibited in the terms of my contract.” The chained Duck revealed on Wednesday a sex tape and blackmail affair concerning a senator, kept secret according to the weekly by the management of the Luxembourg Palace.

A new affair in the Senate

For the doctor, “the reality of the cause of [son] dismissal” is based on the fact that he had alerted the administration about one of his assistants “claiming to be the mistress of an authority in the Senate at the time of her recruitment” and that “was hired at the medical office with a truncated identity, on the basis of false diplomas and with a false professional background”. The doctor adds: “I had also informed […] that this secretary boasted of holding compromising elements of her lover within the Palace in order to maintain a lever of pressure in the event of possible difficulties.”

“This secretary has always explained that she had the ability to ‘fire’ whoever she wanted by using her privileged relationship with this authority in the Senate.”

Doctor of the Senate

in a letter

The doctor states in his letter that he is going with his lawyer “exercise the legal remedy for unfair dismissal and abuse of power”. According to information from franceinfo, the group of environmentalist senators will send a letter to Gérard Larcher, president of the Senate, to ask him to “shedding light on this matter”. “We should be able to have a normal functioning of our institution, more transparent”indicates for her part the environmentalist senator Anne Souyris to franceinfo.

This new affair in the Senate comes a few months after that concerning Joël Guerriau. Last November, the MP for Loire-Atlantique Sandrine Josso filed a complaint against Senator Horizons, whom she accuses of having drugged her with a view to sexually assaulting her.

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