More than twenty after being broadcast on TF1, the show Only the truth matters recently made its big comeback on the C8 channel. Like two decades ago, Laurent Fontaine and Pascal Bataille receive anonymous people with a strong message to convey to someone, live on set. Declaration of love, request for forgiveness, reunion, discovery of a parentage… everything is there, to the delight of viewers.
Back in the spotlight again, Pascal Bataille agreed to confide in Jordan de Luxe on the set of his show At Jordan’s. The opportunity for him to talk about his friendship with Laurent Fontaine, his salary on the C8 channel… but also his state of health.
“I have been thirty years now, a tumor in the left ear. It is a benign tumor but which is still under surveillance and which caused me a fairly significant loss of hearing on the left. I also have a small heart aneurysm which is being monitored.” he declared, causing Jordan de Luxe to be astonished.
And Pascal Bataille clarified: “The tumor is on the acoustic nerve, the nerve that transmits information to the brain”. The host also explains that he has lost 75% of his hearing in his left ear but does not wear a hearing aid. “There is not much to do since it is the nerve that is damaged, it is not the eardrum”.
Very optimistic, the 64-year-old host then puts his situation into perspective “But I live very well with it, except that I haven’t known silence since 1993 since I have tinnitus all the time… We get used to it, it’s like everything, we live with it but I don’t know what it is. is silence. It’s something that bothers me because philosophically, silence is magnificent.”
The full sequence will be broadcast this Thursday, January 8, 2024, at 9:10 a.m. on C8, in the show At Jordan’s where all the celebrities flock, from Monday to Friday.