In the past, we established the monthly budget by calculating that one week’s salary should be enough to pay the rent… That’s a long time ago!
If the trend continues, we’ll have to sell a kidney!
Not only are rent prices exploding, but we can no longer find accommodation.
According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, we are experiencing the worst housing crisis since 1980, and the number of immigrants and asylum seekers is partly to blame.
Let’s be fair
We cannot hold immigrants responsible for a crisis that has developed over a very long period.
Even in regions of Quebec not affected by the migratory flow, there is a shortage of housing.
In connection with the worsening of this crisis: let’s talk about immigration policy instead.
Lack of planning and poor management of our reception capacity.
We cannot blame immigrants.
So who is to blame?
We have not built enough “social housing”, as they say among well-off bourgeois people.
Social housing doesn’t pay!
As proof, I cite the eagerness of developers to erect luxury condominium buildings in fashionable neighborhoods.
Is the fault of new housing developments where house prices are reaching record highs?
The fault of “airbnb” type rentals which are practiced on various platforms despite more severe laws aimed at limiting their occurrence.
Is the fault of “renovictions”, these eviction notices issued under the pretext of carrying out major renovations?
Is it the interest rates and property taxes that are rising while wages stagnate?
How, with a minimum wage that hovers around $15 an hour, can you find decent housing in Quebec? How do families and elders do it?
The killer question:
Will we still have to look for roommates at 70?