who is Boris Nadezhdine, the only opposition candidate facing Vladimir Putin?


Video length: 2 min

Presidential election in Russia: who is Boris Nadejdine, the only opposition candidate facing Vladimir Putin?

Presidential election in Russia: who is Boris Nadejdine, the only opposition candidate facing Vladimir Putin? – (france info)

The Civil Initiative candidate, who should be the only opponent to face the master of the Kremlin during the Russian presidential election, demonstrates his desire to put an end to the war in Ukraine. The presidential election will take place from March 15 to 17.

He is the man who stands up to Vladimir Putin. Boris Nadezhdine is expected to be the only opposition candidate in the Russian presidential election, which will take place from March 15 to 17. Resolutely critical of the master of the Kremlin, he proposed ending the war in Ukraine and freeing political prisoners. Positions that result in growing popularity. “A month ago, I was at a 1%I am now at 10%. It would be interesting to see in a month,” declared the candidate nominated by Civil Initiative.

An application submission, validation pending

On Wednesday, he submitted his candidacy to the electoral commission, with 105,000 signatures. A rare action in a country where the opposition is repressed, as evidenced by the situation of public enemy number one, Alexeï Navalny, sent to a penal colony. But Boris Nadjedine’s candidacy has not yet been validated by the electoral commission, which has noted “irregularities”. He will be summoned in the coming days.

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