His Norwegian omelet set his kitchen on fire!

Called Norwegian omelette, this dessert is actually French. And it is also one of Cyril Lignac’s favorite pastries. Small point more? It is ultra easy to make and inexpensive.

Gourmet, balanced, here is the chef’s recipe, shared on his program “Tous en cuisine” for your holiday desserts. But beware of the blowtorch stage! With caution.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes

The ingredients for a Norwegian omelet for 6 people

– 1 packet of spoon cookies

– 200g of vanilla ice cream in a tray

– 4 egg whites

– 100g of crushed almonds

– 100g + 230g of powdered sugar

– 50 lemon juice

– 20g of water

Essential utensils:

1 electric mixer + 1 maryse
1 small saucepan + 1 brush + 1 buttered cake mold
1 cookie cutter 18 cm in diameter (in the freezer)
2 trays + 2 baking paper of the same size + 1 small angled spatula
1 rolling pin
1 sugar thermometer
1 torch


Also to do: Holiday recipe: Tempura oysters from Tzantza

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