La France insoumise wishes to be present, despite the opposition of several families

Five families sent a letter to Emmanuel Macron to ask him that “any presence” of the far-left party be “banned” at Les Invalides.



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The deputy and national coordinator of France Insoumise, Manuel Bompard, on October 12, 2023 in Paris.  (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

La France insoumise intends to attend the ceremony paying tribute to the French victims of Hamas attacks in Israel. “It is a national tribute, in which all politicians are invited. We also wish to pay tribute to the victims of Hamas on October 7”declared rebellious MP Manuel Bompard, national coordinator of the party, Sunday February 4, on BFMTV.

“If we don’t go, you will then reproach me for not sharing the pain or the emotion of the victims’ families, which is not the case”

Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise


This ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday in Paris. But several families of the 42 French victims of the October 7 attacks asked in a letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron that “all presence” from La France insoumise be “forbidden” during this tribute. “Between indecency, lack of respect, relativism and negationism, La France insoumise and its spokespersons have distinguished themselves by extremely serious comments since the pogrom of October 7”, wrote the representatives of five families. The far-left party created controversy after the attacks, in particular by refusing to qualify Hamas as a group “terrorist”preferring to talk about “war crimes”.

MP Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group in the Assembly, had already announced that she would attend this tribute organized at Les Invalides. “I will be present (…) and I have asked that a tribute be paid to all the French victims of this war in the Middle East”, therefore including the Franco-Palestinians killed in Gaza by the Israeli army, the MP announced. On Sunday, Manuel Bompard added that he is not “in no way do we intend to transform a moment of national tribute into a moment of politics.”

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