the international biennials of the spectacle of Nantes are canceled

After the Nantes Zenith, forced to postpone the four shows scheduled for January 3 to 24, it is the turn of the BIS, the Nantes international performance biennials, to bear the brunt of the Covid-19 epidemic and the measures sanitary facilities announced this Monday, in particular the gauge to 2,000 people indoors.

10,000 participants and 400 exhibitors were expected

For the tenth edition, the organizers were actually expecting 10,000 participants and 400 exhibitors. at the Cité des Congrès, January 19 and 20. They are now thinking about solutions to ensure part of this meeting for professional entertainment professionals. Perhaps a postponement or then debates in distance or publications.

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Exhibitors who were to participate in this edition will be fully reimbursed for the sums paid.

source site-38