a welcome return home


Video length: 2 min

Anger of farmers: a welcome return home

Anger of farmers: a welcome return home – (France 2)

The farmers’ blockades were lifted on Saturday February 3. Many of them have returned to their homes and farms but plan to continue their fight during the Agricultural Show.

Farmers marched on the roads on Saturday, February 3, after the blockades were lifted. After two weeks of actions and blockages, they are now returning home or to the farm. In a state of fatigue and great emotion, Patrick Gasson and his son Thomas return to their farm. “Even though we were a breeder, a cereal grower, an arborist… everyone supported us, even people who were not at all in the agricultural sector”is moved by Thomas Gasson.

“It was sport”

The two men had been on the roads for eight days: “It was sport but we achieved the objectives.” Their loved ones are relieved to see them return from this journey. “We saw years where there was breakage, where there was police mixing and I didn’t want that to happen to them”confides Yves Gasson, father of Patrick.

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