QS relaunches its Solidarity Pact for first real estate purchases

On the sidelines of the demonstration against Bill 31 which took place on Saturday, the solidarity responsible for housing, Andrés Fontecilla, relaunched, by way of a press release, one of the sections of the QS Solidarity Pact: the compulsory disclosure of simultaneous promises to purchase on the same property.

According to Québec Solidaire (QS), the decline in home sales in Quebec in 2023 is 13%, compared to the previous year. A state of affairs that Mr. Fontecilla attributes to the lack of transparency which opens the door to excessive bidding.

“What we are experiencing is a speculative bubble that impacts all sectors,” Mr. Fontecilla said in an interview with The Canadian Press while joining anti-PL31 demonstrators, gathered Saturday in the Rosemont-Petite borough. -Homeland, in Montreal. What we are proposing today is to abolish the practice of blind purchase offers. It fuels the speculative bubble. »

The manager adds, specifying that households who manage to raise funds to buy their first home become terribly indebted, and sometimes “without having the capacity to sustain this debt in the long term”.

Mr. Fontecilla chose to put transparency on purchase promises back at the center of the debate at the beginning of February to take advantage of the popular movement against Bill 31 and the public pressure on the government. “We must twist the arms of the CAQ and force it to take measures. »

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