I like whiskey. I don’t drink it every day, although at certain times of the year, I often treat myself to a small glass at the end of the day. Oh how good it is! And if I drink with a friend, who has the same vice as me, it is quite possible that I will pour myself a second one.
I like cognac. I drink them more rarely, our lifestyle is less favorable to digestives than in the past.
But if circumstances present themselves, and if a friend wants to accompany me, I won’t forbid it. I have an excellent one at home, and as I write these lines, I am tempted to shed a tear.
I obviously love wine, I love wine, and quite frankly, I can’t imagine a good meal without good wine. A good red wine, naturally, even if with fish, I naturally lean towards white. And I don’t see for what strange reason, if there are two of us at the table, we shouldn’t order the bottle of our choice.
If I take the trouble to write all this here, it is to say to what extent the new priests of our time, who dream of a sanitized, starched life, a hygienic, puritanical life, a life without excess or passions, and who have decided for several years to make February an alcohol-free month, can go and boil an egg.
I understand that we must fight against alcoholism. But the vast majority of the population does not need to be lectured for a month by the barely-to-enjoy people who are in ecstasy while drinking water and who are probably on the threshold of veganism.
In fact, the vast majority of the population knows how to drink and does not want to be lectured about.
This simple reminder seemed necessary to me.