“The night is ending”, Valencia | The duty

Almost three years after the energetic Jumblesinger-songwriter Valence (Vincent Dufour) returns with The night ends, a surprisingly different album from his first, probably because these new songs appeared to him during his bouts of insomnia. Also because he commissioned the prolific Alexandre Martel as director: The night ends bears the mark, in the reflections of retro pop-rock songs of the whole, in the sobriety of the guitar tones contrasted by the richness of the drum sounds – sometimes spoiled by strong orchestrations, like these irritating violins in the finale of Like. This appears in the first half of the album, alongside the very successful pop-rock moments that are From Marseille And Eleven. Songs of contemplation follow; Dufour appears in another light (another night?), more mature in writing and interpretation, but moving forward in this new musical direction with less confidence than during his dapper debut on record.

Click here to view an excerpt.

The night ends



Valencia, Chivi Chivi

To watch on video

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