The party led by Eric Ciotti saw its finances collapse in recent years. Hence the need to move premises invested in 2011, during the UMP era.
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Moving trucks are carrying out a strange sweep around the Republican headquarters in Paris. A page is turning for the party led by Éric Ciotti: it leaves rue de Vaugirard to settle right next to the National Assembly, place du Palais Bourbon. A way of getting closer to places of power, but above all of adapting its premises to a party that is much less wealthy than before.
238 rue de Vaugirard is considered an address “cursed” by several members of the party. When the UMP moved there in 2011, the building of more than 5,000 square meters was teeming with activity: Nicolas Sarkozy was president and candidate for re-election, the right was in the majority in the Assembly. The rest is known, the outgoing head of state was defeated by François Hollande in 2012, causing a real internal crisis in the party.
Closer to the Assembly
Since then, the building has suffered internal wars and three lost presidential elections, a budget increasingly in the red. The party first went from landlord to tenant. Today, he can no longer pay three million euros in annual rent for half-empty offices.
So the computers, UMP pens and old campaign posters are in boxes, being transferred to a building five times smaller, with rent half the price, but right next to the National Assembly. Quite a symbol: the only power of the LR is now to influence legislative texts with its 62 deputies capable of swinging a majority. The inauguration will take place early next week.