20 years ago, Michel Drucker fired him, because of…

His book, “Minority“, was released in 2001. And Gérard Miller didn’t last long afterwards, on the set of “Can’t wait for Sunday”. Columnist of Michel Drucker, the latter got angry when he read the essay, and allegedly violently kicked him off his show. A case remembered by our colleagues at VSD, as Gérard Miller faces accusations of rape and sexual assault.

“It allows it to counterbalance the contempt it has for its users”

He had the misfortune of railing against the world of television and in particular “these heavy hosts, incapable of freeing themselves from the teleprompter, the headset, the thousand and one things that TV has invented to domesticate them […] TV cultivates this ambient bonassery. It allows it to counterbalance the contempt it has for its users.”. Michel Drucker, who does not make his broadcasts with a teleprompter, did not appreciate it.

And his response was terrible, according to the testimony of Gérard Miller, in the columns of Le Figaro, that year. The man who is also a psychoanalyst reported regarding his dismissal: “Last Wednesday, Michel Drucker left me an incredibly violent message on my cell phone. Between two insults, he told me that after reading my book, and particularly the pages devoted to television, he no longer wanted have relations with me and asked never to call him again.”

“Gérard Miller spits into a soup which feeds him well”

At the time, the most established leader of the paf had justified his choice this way: “Gérard Miller spits into a soup which nourishes him handsomely. I’m used to him not having the recognition of his stomach. But if he kicks us, my team and I are furious.”

Not angry with Laurent Ruquier, he then continued to work with this other public service personality. He performed in his play “The press is unanimous”in 2002, and was a columnist on his shows.


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