owners facing the scourge of dry rot


Video length: 3 min

Real estate: owners facing the scourge of rot

In France, a particularly voracious fungus attacks the floors and beams of houses. This is dry rot. Some owners are helpless given the scale of the work necessary to treat it. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – N. Poitdevin, M. Martel, M. Petitjean, L. Théodore, G. Marque, L. Verbiguie, L. Michel

France Televisions

In France, a particularly voracious fungus attacks the floors and beams of houses. This is dry rot. Some owners are helpless given the scale of the work necessary to treat it.

It nibbles everything in its path, floors, beams, to the point of destroying entire rooms. Dry rot, a fungus that feeds on wood, has become a nightmare for some homeowners. Behind his kitchen, an owner had to seal off a room. It is impossible to live there as the rot has eaten away at the ground. The floor threatens to collapse. The cost of the work is estimated at 160,000 euros. An exorbitant price for a house purchased for 205,000 euros.

How to fight dry rot?

Favorable conditions for the appearance of dry rot are darkness and humidity. In addition, the fungus does not only attack wood. The roots can penetrate the stone and swell with water. In the Paris region, an owner was able to deal with the problem in time. His house is brand new. In its basement, workers are busy treating the dry rot. They inject and spray a fungicide. The cost of the operation amounts to 3,000 euros and is covered by the manufacturer.

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