Motaz Azaiza had to leave the Gaza Strip this week. This 24-year-old Palestinian photographer was flying for the first time in his life. When the war began more than three months ago, his Instagram account, followed by around 25,000 people, exploded to more than 18 million followers. He was the eyes of this bloody conflict, documenting daily the lives of Palestinians under the bombs.
Every day I went to see his images and also to check if he was still alive, because many journalists were killed in Gaza.
Between photos of my cat and funny videos, I have never seen so many corpses. The contrast is more than enormous between the levity common on Instagram and the stories nightmares of Motaz Azaiza which had the power to prevent us from sleeping. Cognitive dissonance threatens us.
Watching the chilling film this week The Zone of Interest by Jonathan Glazer, I couldn’t help but make a connection. Awarded at Cannes and selected for the Oscars, The Zone of Interest shows the quiet life of a Nazi family, the Höss, who live in a pretty house adjoining the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. We never see the horrors of the camp, only bucolic shots in the countryside or in the flower garden carefully tended by the wife, who refuses to move when her husband gets a promotion for his murderous zeal. Here she has the life she always dreamed of for her children. Even if on the other side of the wall an extermination factory is operating at full capacity.