what to remember from Gabriel Attal’s announcements

The Prime Minister made a series of announcements on Friday intended to appease farmers who have been expressing their exasperation for several days.



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The Prime Minister addresses farmers on a farm in Montastruc-de-Salies, in Haute-Garonne, January 26, 2024. (MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP)

The anger of the agricultural world has been heard by the government, assured the Prime Minister. “Message received five out of five”said Gabriel Attal on Friday January 26 from a farm in Montastruc-de-Salies, in Haute-Garonne, before announcing a set of measures for farmers. “We decided to put agriculture above everything else”, declared the head of government. Among the measures to respond to farmers’ demands: simplification of standards, compliance with Egalim laws, acceleration of aid payment or even measures on GNR… Franceinfo summarizes these announcements for you.

A simplification of standards

Gabriel Attal first announced A “simplification shock” with “ten immediate simplification measures” for farmers, a prelude to a broader movement for “drastically simplify our procedures” And “standards when necessary”. The head of government spoke of a “simplification month” between now and the Agricultural Show which opens at the end of February. Among these ten measures are notably the “end of the exceptional regime for appeal deadlines against agricultural projects”, with deadlines which will increase to two months compared to four months today in order to file an appeal. The head of government also cited the removal of a level of jurisdiction as well as the simplification of “curages” agricultural watercourses.

Gabriel Attal announced that the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) will now be “under the supervision of the prefects”, in order to “reduce the pressure” controls. It is the OFB agents who enforce the rules regarding the use of pesticides, the removal of hedges and compliance with drought orders. The Prime Minister also commits to a single control for operators: “no more than one annual visit to the farm” as part of the controls, assured the Prime Minister.

Respect for the laws Egalim

Gabriel Attal says to himself “lucid” and believes that the Egalim laws “do not protect enough” Farmers. To enforce these laws intended to give them back purchasing power, the Prime Minister announces the strengthening of controls by the DGCCRF, “maximum pressure” on the ongoing annual commercial negotiations between agri-food producers and distributors, who must agree on a price for the coming year. And finally, a game of sanctions “for companies that do not respect Egalim”. Three sanctions “very heavy” will be pronounced against companies that do not respect the law. “The objective is clear: to have Egalim respected everywhere, without exception”assures the Prime Minister.

Emergency aid for epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD)

Gabriel Attal recognizes that it takes too long for farmers to receive the aid. “We are going to accelerate fully on the emergency aid owed to you”, said the Prime Minister to breeders whose cattle are decimated by epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EMD). The window for covering veterinary costs will be open on February 5, with the state compensation rate increasing from 80 to 90%. Gabriel Attal advances “budget of 50 million eurosFor breeders affected by this disease which appeared in September on farms in the South-West.

Emergency aid for the sectors most in crisis

Gabriel Attal announces “a substantial envelope” to come for viticulture and 50 million euros for the organic sector. Growers and breeders in the sector have seen their incomes decline over the past two years as demand for these products declines. The government had already committed in 2023 to paying 94 million euros to this sector in difficulty. “We are going to double the emergency fund for Brittany”also assured Gabriel Attal, to support farmers affected by storm Ciaran last November.

France opposed to the Mercosur treaty

“France opposes the signing of the Mercosur treatyassures Gabriel Attal. I repeat it here very clearly, very clearly. The President of the Republic has always opposed it and we continue and will continue to oppose it.“Mercosur and the European Union have been negotiating this agreement for years, which is failing on environmental issues. It is denounced in particular by French farmers, for the risk of unfair competition from South American products,” recalled Gabriel Attal. “We are going to fight at European and international level”he assured.

The increase in taxation of non-road diesel (GNR) removed

Gabriel Attal finally announced a measure which was intensely demanded by farmers: the end of the planned increase in the tax on non-road diesel (GNR), which was to increase gradually until 2030. The Prime Minister believes that the reform of taxation on non-road diesel (GNR) is “Kafkaesque”. “Even if this reform has been worked on, discussed, accepted by the majority union, it will not pass”he explained. “We are going to stop with this trajectory of increase in GNR”, declared the head of government. For a “simplification” procedures, he also announced that tax rebates on this fuel would be deducted upon purchase, and no longer after the fact on proof, “by summer”. The GNR price weighs heavily on farmers’ budgets. Last September, the government decided to gradually eliminate the tax loophole on GNR between 2024 and 2030.

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