Is consuming 100% French so easy?



Video length: 2 min

Food: is consuming 100% French so easy?

Food: is consuming 100% French so easy? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Bazizin, A. Brignoli, A. Morel, E. Tymen, A. Canestraro

France Televisions

For some French people, consuming 100% French is impossible, given the price difference between local products and imported products. In France, half of the contents of our plates are imported.

In a covered market in Poitiers (Vienne), consumers are spoiled for choice: fruit, vegetables and even meat. But is it so easy to buy 100% French? “We cannot be 100% French on everything, and when this is not financially possible, we arbitrate and choose products that are not.replies a consumer.

Market professionals also make their arbitrages. Mickael Dehenin, market gardener, favors local products, but he does not shy away from exceptions, for example by selling clementines from Italy.

Producers who struggle in the face of foreign competition

So, should we prioritize price or location of production? On a market in Limoges (Haute-Vienne), for some, the question no longer arises. “Buy 100% local all the time, no, because it’s true that the prices are a little higher”, says a customer. In a Parisian supermarket, a basket of imported products costs 26.49 euros, when its 100% French equivalent costs 31.75 euros. Producers are struggling in the face of foreign competition. Today in France, half of the contents of our plates are imported.

Among our sources:

Senate report

Point article


Non-exhaustive list.

source site-14
