Emmanuel Macron wants to limit the screen time of young people



Video length: 2 min

Smartphones: Emmanuel Macron wants to limit the screen time of the youngest

Smartphones: Emmanuel Macron wants to limit the screen time of the youngest – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – N. Tabouri, M. Niewenglowki, B. Brevas

France Televisions

This is one of the measures announced last week by Emmanuel Macron: the president wants to limit the screen time of young people.

It has become the remote control of our lives: we never leave our cell phone, we fall asleep with it, we wake up with it. It gets everywhere, even at the table, and when we can’t find it, it’s distressing. It can even put us at risk. Not to mention the hours we spend with our eyes glued to the screen. In the metro, the cell phone has become an essential travel companion. And according to a recent study, this hyperconnection can cause us to develop new disorders.

Degrade emotional relationships

“It is not serious in the sense that we can understand it when we are addicted to alcohol or opiates, but it can degrade the quality of the emotional relationships that we can have with those close to us”details Professor Amine Benyamina, head of the psychology and addictology department at the Paul-Brousse University Hospital.

Among our sources:

Study “Impact of hyper-use of digital technology among adults” carried out by the PRO BTP Health Observatory in partnership with the Research Center of the Rafaël Institute, published on January 23, 2024.

The consultation and statistical processing of the results were carried out by Professor Laurent Karila and the Research Center of the Rafaël Institute. The consultation was carried out on the Internet with the PRO BTP member file. 21,422 PRO BTP members participated in the consultation. The consultation was accessible from April 20 to May 13, 2023.


Non-exhaustive list

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