“It’s all family policy that needs to be re-examined,” says Familles de France

Birth leave, promised by Emmanuel Macron and called to replace the current little-used parental leave, must come into force “during 2025”.


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“We cannot summarize the solution solely by revising parental leave, it is the entire family policy that must be re-examined”, believes, Monday January 22 on franceinfo, Laurent Clevenot, political manager at Familles de France. He reacts to the announcement from the Elysée of the implementation of birth leave, intended to replace parental leave “currently 2025”.

For Laurent Clevenot, “the good news is that the low compensation of 429 euros will give way to compensation based on a percentage of salary even if it is capped”. On the other hand, he notes a “big question mark over early childhood reception capacities afterwards” birth leave which will be limited to six months.

The devices that exist “allows us to look after almost one in two children in our country”reports Laurent Clevenot. “If we reduce parental leave, it will increase the demand for childcare at a time when the number of childminders is decreasing from year to year”he continues.

“This reflection on parental leave calls for others”estimates the head of Familles de France for whom having children is a “long-term investment policy”. Laurent Clevenot calls for a “a little more global look at the child’s stroke” and to “invest in family allowances, their revaluation and the return to universality” of these compensations.

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