This Saturday, January 20, 2024, the first Star Academy semi-final was held. At the end of the evening, it was Julien who was saved against Axel and who therefore became the first finalist of the season. Next Saturday, the second semi-final will pit Pierre against Héléna and the grand final will be held on February 3.
At the same time, the concert tour which will start in March has just been extended again with around twenty additional dates, such is the success. It must be said that the students of this edition enjoy extreme popularity on social networks. We can see this with the beautiful Lénie who, eliminated a week ago, blew up the Instagram counters in a few hours.
Candice and Louis appear as accomplices on Instagram
This Sunday, January 21, 2024, two other former students are talking about them. Candice, who was recently evicted, and Louis, who was unfortunately eliminated first, shared on Instagram an adorable video of them singing a duet. “You asked us for it, here it is…” they say in the caption, indicating that they responded to a request from their subscribers who were impatient to see them sing together again. Candice and Louis then take care to thank their sound engineer…Victorian who is none other than another of their former comrades. Enough to prove that they all remained united and friends despite the end of the adventure.
Very quickly, the duo’s little video created a buzz and delighted Internet users. “Your two voices really go so well together! I love it. It’s so short, we would like more, we’ll need more”, “Sorry, but this duet is crazy”, “Your voices go so well”. good together, wow”, “Amazing”, “I remember so much the first week when you two sang all the time on the sofa! You left too soon…”, “Two little angels”, “Ah finally the duo! It’s incredible!” can we read.