The Minister Delegate in charge of Democratic Renewal and government spokesperson was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday January 17.
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Prisca Thevenot, government spokesperson and Minister Delegate in charge of Democratic Renewal, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday January 17, 2024. Candidacy of Rachida Dati for mayor of Paris in 2026, compulsory SNU in second grade confirmed by Emmanuel Macron, reform of parental leave… She answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Rachida Dati candidate for Paris in 2026: “a woman who demands her freedom”
“That Rachida Dati is a free, committed and active woman, we are not discovering anything”estimates Prisca Thevenot, while the new Minister of Culture declared herself a candidate for Paris in 2026 on RTL on Wednesday morning. “I find it rather fortunate that we have a woman who claims her freedom”reacts the government spokesperson.
The question of the label that Rachida Dati will wear during her municipal campaign remains raised, but “Everything in its time” reacts Prisca Thévenot, because “everything can happen in two years”. After her appointment as minister, Rachida Dati was excluded from the Republicans.
SNU: an important measure for the “challenges that are ours”
During his press conference Tuesday evening, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron took the decision to generalize the universal national service (SNU) by making it compulsory in second grade. A measure which is part of a desire to “civic rearmament”, in the words of the Head of State. This is an investment measure “in our youth”important “in view of the challenges that face us”.
Its cost, announces the minister, will be two billion euros, as assessed by a parliamentary report in 2023. A financial burden for the State that has already been criticized for months, but justified by Prisca Thevenot: “Let’s not be afraid of words and I’m not here to hide things. We’re talking about a prevention policy.”
Parental leave reform: 429 euros per month, “it can be a huge obstacle”
Birth leave will be “shorter but better paid”explains the government spokesperson, while a reform of parental leave was announced by Emmanuel Macron during his press conference on Tuesday.
Currently lasting one year, renewable under certain conditions, this new leave will last “a priori six months”. And the amount of 429 euros per month, “let’s be honest, that’s what can be a huge obstacle, for both women and men”adds Prisca Thevenot.
Find the entire 8:30 a.m. franceinfo from Wednesday January 17: