Emmanuel Macron announces measures for National Education in 2024



Video length: 2 min

E. Macron press conference: announcements on education

Press conference by E. Macron: announcements on education – (FRANCEINFO)

Facing the press on Tuesday, the Head of State made school, middle and high school the first subject of his introductory speech, confirming that the executive makes this subject a priority.

“Each generation must learn what the Republic means, from childhood.” During his press conference on Tuesday January 16, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, made education a central subject of his introductory speech, and listed a series of new measures.

>> Press conference by Emmanuel Macron: follow the speech of the Head of State in our live

The Head of State wishes in particular to resume “control of our screens”. He said he wanted “determine [leur] good use for our children, in our families and at school”based on the opinion of experts: “We need to have a scientific consensus, that scientists start to give us a plan and that we inform a public debate, which will come next.” “There may be bans” and “restrictions”he added to journalists, without specifying in what context.

A generalization of the uniform envisaged by 2026

He also announced changes to school programs, including “refounded civic education”. The head of state spoke “a doubled hourly volume, one hour per week with support from the founding texts of the Nation”, and this from the fifth grade. The theater will also become “a compulsory move to college next year”and art history will make its return to middle and high schools, he added.

The French president also wants to launch a “experimentation” of “the unique outfit” In “around a hundred establishments, all voluntary”. This experiment will possibly give rise to a generalization in 2026. Emmanuel Macron, who recognizes that the subject is a creator of “debates”, affirms that this initiative will be evaluated. A graduation ceremony will take place at the same time at the middle and high school, and this “from this year”. For the president, it is about“a republican rite of unity, pride and recognition”. Emmanuel Macron said in passing “totally supportive” to the systematic learning of La Marseillaise in primary school.

A mea culpa on equal opportunities

The French president also spoke about educational inequalities and equal opportunities. “I must clearly recognize that after six and a half years (…), we have improved things but we have not radically changed them,” he admitted. “The future of the children of the Republic still remains too determined by the family name, the place where one was born, the environment to which one belongs,” insisted the head of state.

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