Video duration: 5 min
Senegal: in the Saloum Delta Park, the mangrove preserved thanks to the efforts of residents and associations
In Senegal, the Saloum Delta National Park is home to an immense mangrove forest. Thanks to the efforts of residents and associations, the mangrove has been gaining ground for several years, while it is declining in neighboring countries. – (France 2)
In Senegal, the Saloum Delta National Park is home to an immense mangrove forest. Thanks to the efforts of residents and associations, the mangrove has been gaining ground for several years, while it is declining in neighboring countries.
Delta National Park Saloum is probably the most beautiful region of Senegal. Located in the south of the country, it is home to an immense mangrove forest crossed bycountless channels. Everywhere in Around the world, mangroves are threatened by rising water levels, pollution and deforestation. But in Senegal, the populations managed to protect them. In the Senegalese mangroves, mangrove trees, trees that grow in water, form a labyrinth that functions as a natural rampart.
A haven for biodiversity
The mangrove is also a haven for biodiversity. It is in its waters that fish and shellfish reproduce. The inhabitants of the region find their livelihood there. To be sure that the mangrove remains healthy, the association Nebeday organizes workshops with the youngest. That day, children will plant mangrove trees to help this aquatic forest grow. While in neighboring countries the mangrove is in decline, it has been gaining ground here for several years. The efforts of residents and associations to protect it have borne fruit.