the star artificial intelligence of CES in Las Vegas



Video length: 2 min

Technology: artificial intelligence star of CES in Las Vegas

Technology: artificial intelligence star of CES in Las Vegas – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – M.Guyard, A.Lévêque

France Televisions

Strollers that rock on their own or robots that massage are among the innovations using artificial intelligence at the CES technology show in Las Vegas, United States.

At CES, the technology show in Las Vegas (United States), artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s lips. A robot is capable of starting a conversation and even revealing secrets. “I didn’t feel like I was talking to a real person”, moderated Alain Pierce, retired professor. AI is presented as a way to make everyday life easier. A power-assisted stroller will rock a crying baby until they fall asleep.

Artificial intelligence already present in everyday life

Likewise, a robotic arm is capable of analyzing a patient’s morphology to better target the areas to be massaged. “It’s subtle and it’s precise, it’s really nice“, explains Anthony Riou, CES visitor. “Artificial intelligence is already present in many of the devices you use: your phone or your connected watch”, says Adam Burden, global director of innovation at Accenture. In 2024, 3,500 exhibitors will be present at CES, including 150 French companies.

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