The number of unemployed in category A fell by 1.7% in November

In total, France has 3.321 million job seekers in active search.

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The decline continues. The number of unemployed in category A fell in November, with 55,800 fewer job seekers (-1.7%) compared to the previous month, according to figures from the Ministry of Labor published Monday, December 27. In total, France therefore has 3.321 million job seekers in active search. In October, the number of unemployed in this category had fallen by 3.3%.

Including registrants whose activity is reduced (categories B and C), the number of job seekers was down 0.7% in November compared to the previous month (-39,800 people) and stood at 5.669 million, according to the Statistics Directorate (Dares ). While the number of job seekers in category A drops significantly, those in category B and C have increased by 0.7% (+16,100 people).

The Dares does not comment on the monthly data, which is too volatile, favoring quarterly developments. The latest quarterly results published at the end of October showed a drop in the number of category A unemployed by 5.5% in the third quarter. The number of unemployed in category A was then just below the pre-crisis level, with 5,200 fewer job seekers compared to the 4th quarter of 2019.

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