Agreement in the public sector | “An example to follow” for the private sector, according to Magali Picard

(Montreal) Salary increases of 6% per year and protection against inflation, like those that the public sector has just obtained, are also sustainable in the private sector. Moreover, collective agreements should always be signed with a protection clause against inflation, believes the president of the FTQ, Magali Picard.

The senior management of the FTQ met with the press on Tuesday to address various current issues — a tradition at the start of each year.

While the public sector agreement in principle will be submitted to the 420,000 members until mid-February and it provides protection against inflation and a 6% increase from the first year, Mme Picard believes that “this is the example to follow” also in the private sector.

Large unions affiliated with the FTQ, such as the Steelworkers and Unifor, obtained similar increases in the last year, or even more in some cases.

On the political level, the FTQ says it fears the rise of conservative leader Pierre Poilievre at the federal level. She warns that “the FTQ will not remain silent” in the face of its “charm campaign” to “seem like the good guy.”

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