Road safety: artificial intelligence to make traffic flow more smoothly


Video length: 2 min

Road safety: artificial intelligence to make traffic flow more smoothly

Road safety: artificial intelligence to streamline traffic – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – V.Astruc, F.Furnemont, F.Caer, MC.lde, A.Aubert

France Televisions

Could artificial intelligence be the miracle solution to avoid traffic jams and fight against accidents? In certain regions of Belgium and the Netherlands, the duration of traffic lights or speed limit signs adapt according to traffic.

On the Flemish motorways, there is a permanent succession of speed limit signs which can change in a fraction of a second. A French motorist, who lives in Antwerp (Belgium), knows that he must be able to adapt at any time. The goal is to chase away traffic jams, a real scourge in this port region. There are around 820 kilometers of traffic jams in an hour just around Antwerp.

Smart lights in Rotterdam

From a control room, a fully automated system modulates speed limits. Sensors are installed on the roadway. The radars change simultaneously. In Rotterdam (Netherlands), intelligent traffic lights have been installed, indexed to traffic. A detector, connected to the lights, detects the number of cars present on the road. Motorists approve, even if they find that there is still too much congestion. Pedestrians and cyclists also have the right to their modular lights.

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