Joris supports Rennes from Aveyron

It is a song that has been echoing for many months in Rennes, the anthem that accompanied the club’s formidable year 2019 among supporters. “One day a long time ago, I fell crazy for you, don’t ask me how, it happened like this“says the song, to a tune borrowed from Liverpool fans. But how did it happen for those without Breton ties and parents who are supporters of the Red and Black? We interviewed five of them, who told us their history, their meeting with the club and their passion for Stade Rennais We start with Joris, 30 years old, from Aveyron.

An idol named Nonda

He was born in Rodez, and lives in Naucelle, a village located between the Aveyron prefecture and Albi. In a land of rugby, he very quickly fell into football, like most of the children of his generation, marked at his seven years by the victory of France in the World Cup. “I have supported Rennes since 1998. I started to follow football after the World Cup, and what made me love Rennes was Shabani Nonda. I was a fan of this player, his power, his skill in front of goal. He’s the first player I was a fan of, after Zizou of course! And after Nonda left, I continued to support the club.

Supporting Rennes in the Aveyron, it was not easy at the start for Joris: “It was not easy every day, I think that in Aveyron I am the only supporter of Rennes! There are a lot of supporters from Marseille, Montpellier, Saint-Etienne, maybe a bit from Paris … When people asked me why I supported Rennes, I told my story, and people found it weird.“It is easier today to wear the colors Red and Black in the south of France confesses the thirtieth birthday:”It is a club that has changed dimension. For me today Rennes is in the top 5 of Ligue 1. I think that soon there will be more supporters of Rennes in Aveyron!

A match experienced at Roazhon Park

To be able to support his club at the stadium, Joris often made the shortest trip for him: “Most often, it was to see Toulouse – Rennes at the Stadium, I live an hour away, it’s the easiest. Rennes is 550 kilometers from my home. It’s my great regret, I was only able to go to Roazhon Park once, it was in December 2019 before the covid, in a 2-1 victory against Angers, with two goals from Niang and two assists decisive decisions of Raphinha.

An unforgettable memory for Joris: “I felt at home when I was next to Roazhon Park. Even if I got a little plugged in to my accent! But it was great to be able to talk about my club with other people who support it. If I hadn’t had my family ties, I would have been able to come and live in Rennes I think.

So, for Joris l’Aveyronnais, the love of Stade Rennais, it happened like that.

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