the mayor of Ouistreham targeted by a Nazi tag on the beach of the town

Romain Bail, the mayor of Ouistreham, announced on Sunday his intention to file a complaint after the discovery of a Nazi tag targeting him on a beach in the town.

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The mayor of Ouistreham (Calvados), Romain Bail, was targeted by a Nazi tag. This was discovered on Saturday, December 25 on the toilets at the beach in the town, reports France Bleu Normandie. It was written in big red letters: “SS Bail Out.”

The tag has since been deleted, at the request of the mayor who planned to file a complaint on Monday, specifies France Bleu. “I have a real feeling of dismay”, he explained. “This mention of SS associating me with the Nazi regime was inscribed on the beach of Ouistreham, a station which saw the landing during the Second World War.”

According to the mayor, these acts are multiplying “for many months”. He denounces “stupidity” which mixes “questioning the choices of the municipal team against a background of conspiracy, with simplism”.

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