War between Hamas and Israel: the Israeli army eliminated Hamas number two



Video length: 1 min

War between Israel and Hamas: Hamas number eliminated by Israeli strike

Hamas number 2 was eliminated in an Israeli strike. Thus, Salih Al-Aruri was killed on January 2 near Beirut (Lebanon). – (France 3)

Article written by

France 3 – M.Burgot, S.Guillermot, B.Bervas

France Televisions

Hamas number 2 was eliminated in an Israeli strike. Saleh al-Aruri was killed on January 2 near Beirut (Lebanon).

As early as 2015, the Americans offered five million dollars in exchange for information on Saleh Al-Arourithe second of Hamas. It was ultimately the Israelis who eliminated him on the evening of January 2 in a spectacular strike in Beirut (Lebanon). Does this assassination change the situation? No, according to the thousands of Palestinian protesters who gathered at Ramallah in the West Bank hours after the strike that killed Salih Al Aruri. If they kill one of the leaders, other leaders and other Palestinians will take up the torch and continue the fight against this occupation.”explains a man.

A risk of conflagration

Despite the intensive bombing of Gaza, the Prime Minister Israeli failed to eliminate the leader of the Hamas. The assassination of the second gave him his first victory. The risk of conflagration with Hezbollahon the Lebanese border, was anticipated. The Jewish state and its army say they are ready. THE Hezbollah promises, for his part, that this assassination in Beirut will not go unpunished.

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