Nice move in sight for “Tous en cuisine”! The show hosted by Cyril Lignac will soon be able to count on the presence of Marlène Schiappa. After rapper JoeyStarr, YouTuber Juju Fitcats, Elsa Esnoult or Diane Leyre, the Minister for Citizenship will be the guest of the show on Wednesday, December 29.
According to information from the Parisian, the minister will have the thorny task of revealing her culinary talents on soft eggs with meurette sauce and a ham and cheese pithiviers. “They knew I love cooking. I make a lot of Mediterranean dishes and desserts. But I was told before the show that it would be neither.“Reacted Marlène Schiappa in the columns of the daily. The minister then explained her approach:”I suggested that they shoot this program for the benefit of Orpheopolis, the Fondation maison de la gendarmerie et l’oeuvre des wards, associations of orphans of firefighters, police and gendarmes. In order to take advantage of this exhibition to highlight them. And they immediately accepted“, recounted the one who recently invited reality TV candidates to the ministry.