the number of deserters is increasing


Video length: 3 min

Ukraine: the number of deserters is increasing

Ukraine: the number of deserters is increasing – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Lay, B. Vinais, V. Moiseenko, O. Sauvayre

France Televisions

Ukraine claims to lack weapons. It also lacks men, which is why it is accelerating its mobilization. Some young people are sometimes arrested in the street.

On the border with Romania, they track deserters from their own countries. Border guards have detained 3,000 Ukrainians seeking to flee their country, double the number from last year. Sometimes heavy-handed arrests. Under martial law, men aged 18 to 60 are prohibited from leaving Ukraine without special permission. So some are ready to pay dearly for their departure, by asking smugglers. “How much did you pay?” a member of the police asks a deserter. “3,500 euros”replies the arrested man.

Head to Moldova, Poland or Romania

These men want to go to Moldova, Poland or Romania. A man does not want to say where he is for fear of being found, but he recounts his escape: a train, then a swim across. 36 hours of a journey risking his life, driven by a single desire: to escape the war.

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