Video length: 1 min
Dry January: the health benefits of stopping alcohol consumption
Dry January: the health benefits of stopping alcohol consumption – (France 2)
On the set of 20 Heures de France 2, journalist and doctor Damien Mascret explains why stopping alcohol consumption is beneficial for your health, as the challenge of “Dry January” begins, i.e. say the month of January without alcohol.
At the end of the end-of-year holidays, the month of January is marked by “Dry January”, which consists of not drinking a drop of alcohol. On the 20 Heures set, journalist and doctor Damien Mascret encourages people to follow this practice. By stopping alcohol, “from the first five years, you will reduce your risk of cancer by 19%, between five and ten years of abstinence, by 23%“, then 34% from ten to 20 years, and finally 55% in the event of stopping alcohol for more than 20 years.
Many cancers caused by alcohol consumption
“There is no consumption of alcohol without risk to health., warns Damien Mascret again. “We see this in Europe. Every year, there are 23,000 cancers caused by small amounts of alcohol consumption, that is, less than two drinks per day on average. 21% are ENT cancers, obviously, mouth, throat and esophagus“, he specifies. We also count 28% of these cancers being colorectal. No less than 47% are breast cancers.
Among Our sources:
The January challenge (Dry January)
NEJM/CIRC (in English)