Goods that were to be redistributed to families in need were stolen during the Christmas weekend from the Secours populaire in Saint-André-de-la-Roche. The safe was also broken into but the association does not yet know what was stolen inside.
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At least 10,000 euros worth of equipment was stolen from the Secours populaire center in Saint-André-de-la-Roche in the Alpes-Maritimes, during the Christmas weekend, reports France Bleu Azur. The burglars, who left no trace of a break-in, stole computer equipment, objects which were to be redistributed to families such as coffee makers, but also cash.
“It’s a mixture of anger, we are distressed, it’s incomprehension”laments the general secretary of the association on France Bleu Azur, especially since part of the stolen equipment was “intended for families to have a good Christmas”.
He adds that the safe was also broken into, containing the donations collected in recent days. Secours populaire is waiting for the company to come and open it, but the general secretary “trembling” to know “if they managed to take what was inside”. Especially since“we know that the generosity of the public is more important at that time”. A burglary had already taken place in the Nice premises last November.