A magnificent tribute to Celine Dion

Celine Dion songs without her incomparable voice, are they worth it? If we rely on the magnificent tribute that the Quebec Philharmonic Orchestra paid him, Wednesday evening, as part of Céline Symphonique at the Maison Symphonique: absolutely.

“Welcome to this symphonic celebration of our national Céline. (…) We want to remind her that we miss her, and that we can’t wait to see her again,” said conductor Alexandre Da Costa to nearly 1,800 spectators, after leading a medley of Christmas tunes with the 47 musicians of the Orchester Philharmonique du Québec.

Then it’s time for the challenge of performing the songs in a symphonic version by Céline Dion, currently on a professional break for health reasons.

If the bar was high, it was certainly not too high for the six soloists who competed in vocal prowess to carry out this mission: Anne Sila, Vincent Niclo, Barnev Valsaint, Measha Brueggergosman-Lee, Jennifer-Lee Dupuy and Josiane Comeau.

Measha Brueggergosman-Lee, Alexandre Da Costa and Jennifer Lee-Dupuis

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

Without further ado, the latter broke the ice with the famous Fate. A somewhat slow start, but that was without taking into account the dynamism of Measha Brueggergosman-Lee and Jennifer-Lee Dupuy, who drew the first waddles from the rather well-behaved crowd with Love Can Move Mountains.

Singer Josiane Comeau launched the “Céline Symphonique” show by the Quebec Philharmonic Orchestra last night at the Maison Symphonique.

Jennifer Lee-Dupuis

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

A big party

Céline Dion’s songs, already grandiose, took on an even more spectacular dimension under the touch of the Quebec Philharmonic Orchestra, between the emotional interpretation Of love or friendship by Anne Sila; the intense If it were enough to love by Vincent Niclo, the festive I’m alive by Jennifer-Lee Dupuy who managed to get the spectators to their feet and Beauty and the Beast sung as a duet by the talented Josiane Comeau and by Céline Dion’s backing vocalist, Barnev Valsaint.

Singer Josiane Comeau launched the “Céline Symphonique” show by the Quebec Philharmonic Orchestra last night at the Maison Symphonique.

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

It’s difficult not to be struck by so many essential classics and anecdotes from soloists on the uniqueness of Céline Dion, but above all by so many talents brought together to highlight her exceptional repertoire.

Singer Josiane Comeau launched the “Céline Symphonique” show by the Quebec Philharmonic Orchestra last night at the Maison Symphonique.

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

During the evening, Alexandre Da Costa also made a point of highlighting the presence of several members of the Dion family in the room: “On behalf of all Quebecers, thank you and bravo! »

Singer Josiane Comeau launched the “Céline Symphonique” show by the Quebec Philharmonic Orchestra last night at the Maison Symphonique.

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

After a magnificent rendition of To Love You More by Measha Brueggergosman-Lee, the party was far from over!

Singer Josiane Comeau launched the “Céline Symphonique” show by the Quebec Philharmonic Orchestra last night at the Maison Symphonique.

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

The excellent Jennifer-Lee Dupuy then delivered one of the best performances of the evening, singing with great precision. The Power of Love.

After one River Deep, Mountain High well felt, the soloists brought the end of this beautiful tribute by singing Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, which has already been covered by Céline Dion.

Before the end of the show, Alexandre Da Costa took the time to address a few words to Céline Dion. “Céline, we love you as an artist, as a human with a heart of gold, as an intergalactic ambassador. (…) What would please us the most is to have you on stage with us. »

Judging by the cheers from the audience, this feeling was shared.

Céline Symphonique, December 27 and 28 at 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Maison Symphonique. For all the details, click here.

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