The French are more suspicious of Europe than the Germans and Italians, according to a study

According to a survey on national and European pride carried out by Ifop for EuropaNova and the “JDD”, 68% of French people say they are proud to be European and 87%, proud to be French.

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The French are proud to be French but more distant from Europe than their German and Italian neighbors. This is one of the lessons of a survey on national and European pride carried out by Ifop for EuropaNova and the JDD. 87% of French people say they are proud to be French, but only 68% feel proud to be European.

It is much less than our closest European neighbors. They too are proud of their nationality (89% of Italians and 77% of Germans), but seem more attached to Europe. Three out of four Italians are proud to be Europeans, and 78% of Germans, ten points more than the French.

This survey also raises the question of citizens’ vision of Europe. 40% of French people questioned prefer a Europe of Nations, where each State remains sovereign, rather than an integrated, more federal Europe, where sovereignty is shared. They are only 29% to adhere to this second positioning.

Many more in Germany and Italy support the idea of ​​a more federal Europe. 43% of Germans agree with this idea, and one in two Italians.

This tendency is particularly marked among young people. Two thirds of Italians under 25 are in favor of European sovereignty, and the phenomenon is also observed in Germany with half of young people supporting this idea. In France, Euroscepticism affects all age groups without distinction.

Young people who have no opinion on this question are also the most numerous in France. 42% of those under 35 do not know how to choose between a Europe of Nations or an integrated Europe, against only 18% of Italians and 16% of Germans.

This survey was carried out on three samples of 1,000 people in France, Germany and Italy, between December 14 and 20, 2021.

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