Italy: Pope Francis’ messages on the occasion of Christmas


France 3

Article written by

A.Mikoczy, V. Parent, M.Chiarello, L. Vergari Morelli – France 3

France Televisions

In Italy, wearing a mask outdoors is now compulsory. This Saturday, December 25 was marked by the urbi et orbi blessing of Pope Francis. Every year, it is a message eagerly awaited by Catholics.

In rome (Italy), an air of celebration floated in the air, Saturday, December 25, despite the pandemic. The marching band of the Italian armed forces marched in St. Peter’s Square (Vatican) in front of 20,000 people, many of them French who defied the rain and the health crisis. “We are vaccinated and we have the masks, so we have good reasons to be here in complete safety”, testify two French tourists.

“Do not be afraid. May these epidemics not prevent you from continuing to pay attention to others, especially the most vulnerable.” This is what Pope Francis said. In the eyes of the Pope, the virus is a test from which a more united world can emerge. It is a speech appreciated by those who think that the health crisis occupies too great a place in the concerns. The health context plays on the frequentation of Rome. There are fewer people this year.


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