Strikes in the public sector | School: absurd, again

There is something called the Fédération des centers de services scolaire du Québec. I have already said all the bad things I think about the Quebec school service centers (CSS), which are just as stiff as their ancestors, the Quebec school boards. You see me delighted to see that they also have a Federation.

The Federation is the voice of school service centers. She represents them, she advises them, she speaks for the CSS in collective agreement negotiations.

Very well, in Quebec there is no shortage of these kid patents who are in representation. But with a Ministry of Education, school service centers AND a federation of school service centers, it is still surprising that all these people have never found how to make the School run on the direction of the world…

Welcome to Quebec which would be called Paperassistan if it were located in Central Asia. But I digress. I want to talk about teachers dropping out. We lack teachers.

What is the Federation of School Service Centers of Quebec doing, ladies and gentlemen, in this month of December when the school is either paralyzed (when the teachers are from the FAE) or in slow motion (when the teachers are from the FSE- CSQ)?

She is recruiting teachers in Paris!

Let me explain: the Federation of Quebec School Service Centers participated in a job fair to recruit French men and women to come and practice the wonderful profession of teacher in Quebec.

I quote the Federation: “During a previous mission to Tunisia, the Federation met around a hundred candidates and 74 of them were selected. To date, around sixty people are in the tenure process. To support the network, the Federation has set itself the objective of recruiting 500 qualified teachers. As such, more than 5,000 people have applied for the next mission which will take place in Morocco in February. The Federation team is currently analyzing each of these 5,000 resumes. »

Very good, but…

Do you see the irony?

Quebec teachers operate in increasingly unfavorable conditions, which pushes them to desert the public school system. What do school service centers do? Are they fighting to improve the conditions for practicing the profession of teacher? No, they are recruiting cannon fodder abroad…

School service centers have an employee retention problem. Many teachers are exiled far from the Kingdom of Education: 800 have left at least this year, at least 6,200 in the last five years1.

I say “at least” and “at least” because these figures collected by The Montreal Journal are an estimate: education data are not compiled in a centralized and orderly manner. You must therefore contact the 72 school service centers individually. Even the minister does not have a clear picture of these desertions.

One might think that the education sector, with a Ministry of Education, 72 school service centers AND a Federation of service centers, could collect reliable data on the number of teachers who decide to give up. the job, except… no.

(To have reliable data, I suggest the creation of an agency – this is the fashion – which could be called Agence Éducation Québec. Without touching, of course, the Ministry of Education and the 72 school service centers who, as everyone knows, do essential work for the academic success of our children…)

I humbly suggest this to the Federation of School Service Centers: campaign loudly with the Ministry of Education so that the school has the means to achieve its ambitions… And you will not have to travel to France, Tunisia and Morocco to recruit employees. Magic!

And also ask your members to systematize exit interviews when your teachers resign rather than responding to their resignation letters with impersonal acknowledgments of receipt. You might understand why they are clamoring in droves.

It is heresy that I am suggesting here, I know it well. But outside the archipelago of Quebec’s educational gulag, I swear to you, it’s completely banal.

Paris, bis — Ah, I forgot: the Federation of School Service Centers proudly published a photo of its three employees at a recruitment fair in Paris. After I sent questions, poof, the post disappeared.

Reason: not to provoke controversy.

Calling all, postcard 2023

I did it last year. I asked you for your flashes for the year 2022. I’m doing the same thing again, send me a flash that made you laugh, cry, smile this year. You write to me by clicking on this link. I will write a review of your postcards soon. Stay away from the news, it’s your life that interests me.

Turkey, broth

Speaking of life, save your turkey and chicken carcasses, I may tell you about my chicken stock recipe again this year, as I aspire to one day become the very first journalist assigned to the beat “soups and stews” in the history of The Press.

Help me make my dream come true!

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