“As a citizen he does what he wants, as President of the Republic, that’s something else,” reacts Sandrine Rousseau


Video duration: 10 min

Emmanuel Macron’s support for Gérard Depardieu: “As a citizen he does what he wants, as President of the Republic, that’s something else”, reacts Sandrine Rousseau,

Emmanuel Macron’s support for Gérard Depardieu: “As a citizen he does what he wants, as President of the Republic, it’s something else”, reacts Sandrine Rousseau – (franceinfo)

Sandrine Rousseau, environmentalist MP from Paris, is the political guest on 19/20 info, Thursday December 21. She reacts to the comments of Emmanuel Macron, who spoke on Wednesday evening about Gérard Depardieu.

Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday December 20 on France 5 that he was a “great admirer of Gérard Depardieu”, “a huge actor” Who “makes France proud”. “As a citizen he does what he wants, as President of the Republic, it’s something else”reacts Sandrine Rousseau, environmentalist deputy from Paris. “The message it sends (…) is a message that makes women feel guilty”she adds in the 19/20 info, Thursday.

“And above all, he cannot say as President of the Republic that he is the pride of France, when we see what came out in ‘Complement of investigation’, where he is rude, insistent with women . At one point he suggests that he touches private parts, which is sexual assault. (…) At what point does this kind of behavior bring honor to France?”asks the MP.

“Promoting rape culture”

By defending the actor, Sandrine Rousseau believes that Emmanuel Macron is “not only promoting rape culture”but also “that he takes up word for word the defenses of aggressors”. She also deplores having never heard the president “greeting the women” neither “the courage of women”.

“It will dissuade women not only from filing a complaint, but from speaking. Speaking is an adventure that can turn out to be extremely complicated. (…) When the message sent by the President of the Republic is to say ‘C ‘he’s a great man and he makes France proud’ what will women think of the support they could get?”questions Sandrine Rousseau.

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