“It is heartwarming”

Cyril Féraud, game host on France Télévisions, has just been ranked 10th among French people’s favorite TV personalities of 2023, in TV Magazine’s annual survey. It will be featured on the public channel, during the confectioners’ break. Between Saturday December 23 and Friday January 5, the presenter of “Slam”, or even “Duels en famille”, will host four prime time shows, including “100% logic” Christmas special, which is aimed at the whole family , and the “Monaco International Circus Festival”, on France 3. There will also be a new game, “The Floor”, on France 2 and at the beginning of January a new major regional competition on folk songs.

franceinfo: You are the 10th favorite TV personality of the French, according to the annual TV magazine survey unveiled Thursday morning. Does that make you happy?

Cyril Féraud: This is the first time I’m a “top 10”. I think I was 15th last time. It’s pretty cool. It’s a great reward. The first reward is the audiences every morning and the loyalty of viewers. To be among the favorite presenters, it warms the heart even more.

There are four prime times on France 2 or France 3 between December 23 and January 5 and each time for a different program. Aren’t you afraid of boring viewers with so many shows?

They would be the ones to say it if that were the case. We actually have a “100% logical” Christmas special Saturday coming up. “100% Logic” is a great show that has broken all records, even “Star Ac”. So I hope that this Christmas special, with 100 candidates in Christmas sweaters, with only “end of year holiday” themed questions will work very well too.

“My luck is to have the trust of viewers when we launch a new project.”

Cyril Féraud

at franceinfo

These are hand-made projects for France Télévisions, for its prime time and I am privileged. I’m really lucky.

The particularity of “100% logic” is that everyone can play, whether you are 10 years old or 70 years old, because it does not require knowledge. No need to have done the ENA, it’s logic. Is that what you like?

It’s a unique game in the world. There is no other game in the world that you can play, when you are a child with your parents or grandparents. And I find that in a society, where we watch more and more series with our tablet, all alone in our bedroom or in a corner of the living room, bringing together the whole family, in the broad sense, on Saturday evening in front of the television, is It’s fantastic.

“What made me want to do TV was watching TV on Saturday evenings with my parents on the sofa. There, to think that there are families who watch my shows on Saturday evenings , it’s lovely.”

Cyril Féraud

at franceinfo

What were you looking at?

At the time, I watched Patrick Sébastien, Michel Drucker, the big TF1 shows too. I’m 38 years old, I’m starting to get old. I started working at 19, so casually, it’s starting to show a little, right?

On December 29, Cyril Féraud you will be at the presentation of the Monaco International Circus Festival, on France 3, and the next day, you will switch to France 2 for the launch of a new game called “The Floor”. A game that will return every Saturday because it is played over several episodes.

The Floor means “The Floor” and the principle of this game, which is very powerful visually, is to have 100 candidates facing me, standing on a giant floor. Each candidate is the owner of a square and a category and they will compete in visual battles of general knowledge, to win the 100 squares on the ground and earn 100 000 euros. The real novelty is that this is the first time that we are going to test a serialized game on Saturday evening. We will discover the 100 candidates on Saturday December 30 and we will know the big winner four weeks later, the one who leaves with the 100 000 euros.

So we have time to get attached to a player.

Exactly. And to create characters or heroes.

Do you have files on each of them and do you learn them by heart?

So it’s true, I only know how to work like that. I’m a hard worker, so I have files on each candidate, I highlight what I like, I make little post-its. I know who is a fan of Madonna, who broke their leg skiing, who dreams of becoming a movie star, etc. That’s how I have fun. Afterwards, when I have them in front of me, the candidates become heroes, characters. I make them exist and I like to see them again as the show progresses.

Do we stage an afternoon game like “Slam” and a prime time game in the same way?

No, because they are not the same means and above all, it is not the same way of telling the story.

You will also host a new major regional competition, at the beginning of January, this time on folk songs. Would this tempt you to play old games again, we know that this will be the case for “The Price is Right”?

“The Price is Right” is a very good idea. It’s a strong brand that everyone still has in mind. If you associate that with Éric Antoine, who has enormous talent, you know that in communication, it’s already a win. And in terms of audience, it’s already won, at least for the first episode. We’ll have to see afterwards if it holds up. There are cool brands that have existed, but I’m so lucky to host programs as strong as “100% Logic”, “Le Quiz des Champions”, which will return next year, or “The Floor “, that I tell myself that I am not going to go and claim something else that already existed.

Can we still create French games?

Yes, like “Duels en famille” which I present every afternoon on France 3.

You are a producer and you also write books: Mission zero mistakes! at HarperCollins, to test his spelling.

Exactly. It’s a book that I hold dear. We cover all the basics of spelling, in a fun way, with tips. And, each time, we play with what we learned just before. It’s for the whole family, for children, teenagers, since today, we all make mistakes, whatever our age.

Watch this interview on video:

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