Olympic Stadium | The brand new land is scrapped

The managers of the Olympic Stadium are scrapping their high-end synthetic turf field, less than a year (and only one match) after its inauguration. They are even considering getting rid of it.

In addition to forcing the closure of the heart of the Stadium until further notice, the exploratory work announced last week with a view to possible replacement of the roof also forces the brand new green surface to give way. Coring, inspections and preventive maintenance of the drainage system are incompatible with maintaining the “FIFA Quality Pro” certified field in place, the only one of this range in Quebec.

“The new synthetic surface was installed in December 2022 and inaugurated in January 2023,” confirmed Cédric Essiminy, spokesperson for the Olympic Park. “At that time, we were not as far along in developing the business case to be able to know that we would have to dismantle it for future exploratory work. »

Its acquisition, installation and certification cost $907,000, according to Olympic Park. The organization also purchased $200,000 worth of plywood to protect the field when it was not in use.

“The budget for exploratory work on the playing area amounts to 1 million and includes the dismantling of the stands, the removal of the lawn, coring, as well as the various measures that will be taken,” continued Mr. Essiminy.

Attracting the NFL

Last January, the organization assured that this field would help attract the major leagues.

“With this new playing surface, the Olympic Park increases its attractiveness to promoters from here and elsewhere who wish to organize a sporting event at the Stadium,” declared Alain Larochelle, vice-president of the Olympic Park, communicated.

“We can now say it: we are currently in talks with the NFL with the aim of hosting games at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal! », affirmed Mr. Essiminy on Twitter, a few days after the inauguration.

Since that moment, CF Montreal has played a match on the surface, in March 2023. The team has also trained there 51 times, according to the Olympic Park. No events have taken place there since last April.

The organization highlighted the poor condition of the previous pitch, considered too hard by many athletes. “The previous playing surface at the Olympic Stadium was at the end of its useful life and posed an increasing risk of injury to the players,” underlined Mr. Essiminy.

Beyond its withdrawal, the fate reserved for the Stadium’s synthetic turf field has not yet been decided.

“The current surface will be stored with care. Several options are currently being studied, including the reinstallation of it at the Park (inside or outside) or elsewhere, a donation or a sale,” indicated the spokesperson for the Olympic Park. “Until the final decision is made, the land will be stored by the Olympic Park. »

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