after the joint committee, an “exceptional” situation, according to political scientist Jean Petaux


Video length: 1 min

Immigration law: after the joint joint commission, an “exceptional” situation, according to political scientist Jean Petaux

Immigration law: after the joint joint commission, an “exceptional” situation, according to political scientist Jean Petaux – (franceinfo)

Jean Petaux, political scientist, is the guest of 19/20 info, Tuesday December 19. He returns to the consequences of the agreement reached in the joint committee on the immigration bill.

For political scientist Jean Petaux, guest of 19/20 info, Tuesday December 19, the situation after the agreement reached in the joint committee (CMP) concerning the immigration bill is “quite exceptional”. Some ministers have in fact threatened to resign after this CMP. “The threat of ministers in office to resign from the government practically never happened under the Fifth Republic”he recalls. “It is very rare, (…) we will see if, in fact, it has effects”adds the political scientist.

“The kiss of death” by the RN

For Jean Petaux, this situation is also exceptional because “everyone tries to take victory from this sequence”. He points the finger at the attitude of the National Rally (RN), which supports the text issued by the CMP. For him, the RN “invented or reinvented, in politics, what we call the kiss of death”he concludes.

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